
Scientists around the world are warning about a dramatic decrease in biodiversity. This can have serious consequences for the balance of nature and for people.


One third of the food we eat requires pollination by bumble bees, bees and other insects. What will happen depends on how we manage the Earth’s resources. Organic crops can make a positive contribution to increasing biodiversity. Organic farms have on average 30% more species of plants, birds and pollinators. By purchasing KRAV-labelled foods you can contribute to increased biodiversity.

Biodiversity means that there are many plant and animal species, but there is much more to it than that. It also means that there is genetic variation within these species and a variety of habitats within an area. Diversity makes nature’s ecosystems more resilient. When the ecosystems are in balance, they provide a range of services that people depend on.

some of nature’s ecosystem services that we need

  • green plants absorb carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen
  • worms and a variety of other organisms are part of nutrient cycles, which result in fertile and living soil
  • insects pollinate plants that provide us with fruit, berries and vegetables

some of the threats to biodiversity

  • exploitation of land that leaves animal and plant species without homes
  • large-scale intensive agriculture, with larger fields and fewer cultivated crops
  • artificial fertiliser, which means that grazing animals are not needed on all farms
  • pesticides and environmental toxins
  • climate change
KRAV-certified cows contribute by grazing large amounts of grass and clover and creating an open landscape where more plant and animal species can be established.

Greater Biodiversity on KRAV Farms

The basis for organic production is caring about the fundamental features of nature. One of the goals of the KRAV Standards is thus to design activity so that biological and genetic diversity of the cultural landscape is protected and developed at all stages of food production. This is one of the reasons why artificial chemical pesticides are prohibited in KRAV-certified cultivation. Such chemicals not only get rid of weeds and pests, but other insects and microorganisms as well. Furthermore, KRAV-certified farmers are prohibited from using genetically modified organisms (GMOs), since it is not known what can happen if they spread in nature.

  • No artificial chemicals on KRAV-certified farms means more flowers and plants that can feed more bumble bees, bees and other pollinating insects, which leads to greater pollination of fruit and berries. More insects also results in an increase of insectivorous birds.
  • Instead of artificial fertilizers, KRAV-certified farmers use manure and other organic fertilizers. This benefits earthworms and microorganisms that break down fertilizers and plant residues in the soil.
  • The variation in crop rotation on KRAV-certified farms means that there is a greater diversity of plants that produce pollen and seeds for insects and birds.
  • KRAV-certified cows contribute by grazing large amounts of grass and clover and creating an open landscape and natural pastures where more plant and animal species can be established.

More Bees on Organic Farms

On organic farms there is an average of 30% more plant, bird and pollinator species than there are on conventional farms, and as many as 50% more species if only plants and pollinators are counted. This means:

  • More spiders and predatory insects that eat pest larvae and therefore protect crops against pests.
  • More pollinators (bees, bumblebees, etc.), which can result in larger harvests.
  • A large variety of animals and plants, which makes nature more robust and resistant to drought and diseases.
  • More animal species, which results in increased competition between species. This has also been shown to reduce the risk of people being infected with Borrelia and other diseases spread by animals.