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There is information here for KRAV-certified companies outside of Sweden, for those considering becoming KRAV-certified or who want to supply to a KRAV-certified company.
There are two options if you want to get the KRAV-label on organic products that are imported or brought in to Sweden. Either your company apply to become a KRAV-licencee or you find a KRAV-certified importer.
More about our extra requirements for all products regarding: Social Responsibility, Protection of Natural Areas of High Conservation Value and Genetically Modified Organisms.
Product Specific extra requirements for Processing, Packaging and handling, Slaughter and Primary production.
Download guidelines, checklists and more.
The questions and answers are divided into the categories of:
Our page where you can download the KRAV logo in different file formats.
In Mitt KRAV, you need register your company information, contact information and production data and annually varify that it is correct.
To be KRAV-certified and to use the KRAV label, there is a fee for the certification process and for the KRAV license.
Read about certification bodies that are accredited for KRAV-certification and do KRAV-certification outside Sweden.