Frequently asked questions


KRAV-certified companies and suppliers to KRAV-certified companies

What is required to KRAV-label an organic plant product grown and processed in another EU country?

  • For all products grown, bred, processed and brought in from other EU-countries KRAV-certification require that you have a system for supplier evaluation that covers social responsibility. The same apply to products from the EEA, Switzerland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. For most plant products there are no extra requirements (apart from social responsibility), other than documentation on the origin of the product. Exceptions are products grown in greenhouses, sprouts, fungi and wild harvest production that have specific extra requirements.
  • Please note that there are specific extra requirements for products certified according to the United States National Organic Program (NOP).
  • Specific extra requirements are verified by using the KRAV checklists.

See the KRAV Standards 16.5.1 and 16.7

What is required to KRAV-label an organic plant product grown and processed in another country, e.g. Argentina?

  • If the plant product is grown or processed in countries other than the EU, the EEA, Switzerland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Japan there are extra requirements for social responsibility. These extra requirements can be verified by a certification that KRAV recognize or by an extra audit using the KRAV checklist for crops found under Support and Tools.
  • Products grown in greenhouses, sprouts, fungi and wild harvest production have specific extra requirements.
  • In addition, for oil palm, soy, sugar cane, coffee, cocoa and coconut palm, there is the extra requirement that cultivation or other permanent change of areas with natural ecosystems of high conservation value (HCV - High Conservation Value) is prohibited.
  • Specific extra requirements are verified by using the KRAV checklists under Support and Tools.

What is required to KRAV-label an organic animal product?

  • For all products grown, bred, processed and brought in from other EU-countries KRAV-certification require that you have a system for supplier evaluation that covers social responsibility. The same apply to products from the EEA, Switzerland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
  • There are also specific extra requirements that must be complied with for all animal products. First, find out if this can be done for the animal husbandry from which you want to KRAV-label products. If the breeding takes place in countries other than the EU, EEA, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Japan, you need to show documentation of that the extra requirements for social responsibility are fulfilled. These extra requirements can be verified by a certification that KRAV recognize or by extra audit using the KRAV checklist found under Support and Tools.

What is required to KRAV-label organically farmed fish or algae?

  • There are no specific extra requirements for farmed fish, seafood or algae. However, warmwater shrimp, i.e. large tropical shrimp, must not be KRAV-labelled. If the farming takes place in countries other than the EU, EEA, Switzerland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Japan, there are extra requirements for social responsibility. These extra requirements can be verified by a certification that KRAV recognize or by extra audit using the KRAV checklist found under Support and Tools.

What applies to imports from the USA?

  • For products grown, bred, processed and imported from USA, KRAV-certification require that you have a system for supplier evaluation that covers social responsibility.
  • There are also specific extra requirements that must be checked using checklists for products produced in the USA and certified according to the National Organic Program (NOP).

How can I show that the extra requirements are complied with?

  • You can show that the extra requirements are complied with either by providing documentation that the product is certified according to a system that KRAV recognizes, or by an extra check using the KRAV checklist for the product. Verification with checklists must be done annually in place and cover all parts of the production chain that have extra requirements.

What is required to KRAV-label an imported or brought in multi-ingredient product?

  • For an imported or brought in multi-ingredient product, the extra requirements must be complied with and verified in primary production, and at the points in the chain where packaging or processing takes place, for each of the ingredients included and for the product as a whole. Processed products may only contain the additives in Appendix 2 of the KRAV Standards.
  • Up to 10 % of the product might consist of organic but not KRAV-certified ingredients, but these ingredients cannot be of the same kind as the KRAV-certified ingredients.

Only KRAV-certified companies

How can I find certification bodies that can audit the extra requirements using checklists?

  • KRAV has contracts with accredited certification bodies that can carry out extra audits of the KRAV extra requirements in most countries. However, checklists completed by other certification bodies for audit of EU organic production are also valid. Confirmation can also be carried out by a person with competence in auditing organic production, or social responsibility, that is employed by a KRAV-certified company.

Who confirms that the extra requirements are complied with?

  • The KRAV-certified company must ensure that it has valid documentation showing that the extra requirements are complied with, either by certificates from a certification approved by KRAV or a signed checklist showing that the requirements are complied with. At the annual KRAV audit, the certification body will check the relevant documentation.

What do I do if I want the supplier to package for consumers and label the product?

  • If the product will be marked with the KRAV name or label by a company that is not KRAV-certified, you need to make a labelling agreement with your supplier. See Template for labelling agreement.

Can my supplier of imported or brought in products be KRAV-certified?

  • Your supplier can KRAV-certify their company for the type of production "Import and Bringing In" and possibly also "Food Processing" (processed products). Any extra requirements are then checked by the supplier, and you buy a product already KRAV-certified. In this case, the supplier must also comply with Chapters 2, 3 and 20 of the KRAV Standards. This means that the company must be audited by one of the Swedish KRAV-certified certification bodies, report the products in Mitt KRAV and pay the license fees.

How can I explain to my supplier what documentation I need to be able to KRAV-label products?



When should data on my production be reported in Mitt KRAV?

  • Food processing, Import and bringing in - March 15th The sales of your KRAV-certified products for last year.
  • Feed production and Production aids - March 15th The sales of your KRAV-certified products for last year.